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Program Language/OpenCL

standard functions in OpenCL

by Leo 리오 2012. 6. 4.

memset in OpenCL

커널에서도 memset이된다!

memset(dst_ptr, value, size);

printf in OpenCL

Intel 에선 그냥 쓰면된다.


#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_printf : enable

Calling clFinish on a command queue flushes all pending output by printf in previously enqueued and completed commands to the implementation-defined output stream.
근데 잘안되네;


'Program Language > OpenCL' 카테고리의 다른 글

Intel OpenCL visual studio 설정  (0) 2012.08.08
amd opencl __constant  (0) 2012.06.20
clBuildProgram  (1) 2012.06.02
OpenCL Address Spaces  (0) 2012.06.02
clFinish, clFlush, block  (0) 2012.05.26
