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Program Language56

Java Object메모리 와 String Class고찰 자바 여러가지나 퍼포먼스 등 잘나와있다. http://www.javamex.com/ Java Object 메모리 사용량 Java type Bytes required boolean 1 byte char 2 short int 4 float long 8 double reference (pointer) 4 array +4 (for length) 모든 Object는 8byte의 Header(Housekeeping data)를 갖고, 무조건 8의 배수이다. ex) 1개의 boolean을 가지고 있다면 Header 8 + boolean 1 + padding 7 = 18bytes Array 기본 Header 8 + length정보 4 + Object*length + padding (boolean array는 무조건 b.. 2011. 8. 2.
SWT Snippets : Accessibility.. (Updating..) http://www.eclipse.org/swt/snippets/ http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/Java/0280__SWT/Catalog0280__SWT.htm Accessibility using an accessible listener to provide state information provide text that will be spoken for an image button (eclipse.png) give accessible names to a tree and its tree items respond to text-based questions from an AT tell a screen reader about updates to a non-focused descripti.. 2011. 7. 15.
SWT Snippets : Button..(Updating..) Button set the default button make a toggle button have radio behavior implement radio behavior for setSelection() a button with text and image create a tri-state button create a tri-state button (toggle three states) create a non-rectangular button create buttons with wrapped titles Canvas paint a circle in a canvas scroll an image (flicker free, no double buffering) implement tab traversal (be.. 2011. 7. 15.
SWT Snippets : ExpandBar.. (Updating..) ExpandBar create an expand bar change an ExpandItem's height in response to a change in a contained Control FileDialog prompt for a file name (to save) Font create a large font for use by a text widget FormLayout create a simple dialog using form layout center a label and single line text using a form layout create a simple OK/Cancel dialog using form layout create a simple text prompt dialog us.. 2011. 7. 15.