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Cooperative Thread Array (CTA) The Parallel Thread Execution (PTX) programming model is explicitly parallel: a PTX program specifies the execution of a given thread of a parallel thread array. A cooperative thread array, or CTA, is an array of threads that execute a kernel concurrently or in parallel. Threads within a CTA can communicate with each other. To coordinate the communication of the threads within the CTA, one can s.. 2012. 2. 8.
python 유틸 apt-get 설치 ]# apt-get install python3 하면 좀 많이 설치 되는것 같다. 아래 꺼 일일히 하기 귀찮; 아니네;;; import Pmw ImportError: No module named Pmw ]# apt-get install pymol import ply.lex as lex ImportError: No module named ply.lex ]# apt-get install python-ply import matplotlib ImportError: No module named matplotlib ]# apt-get install python-matplotlib 2012. 2. 7.
노가다 참 간단한걸 이제야 깨닳았다. (정리가 되었다.) 왜 일본이 그렇게 잘 먹고 잘사는지. hw는 삼성이 다 잡고 있는데 말이야.. 애플에서도 삼성 cpu사용하고, 소니에서도 한국산 hw를 사용한단다.. http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2011/09/16/2011091602000.html http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=nemerle&logNo=90131449270 https://www.semiconportal.com/en/archive/news/news-by-sin/110822-sony-vita-samsung-cpu.html 그런데 왜 우리나라 산업은 뒤질고 있을까? 답은 sw다. 하드웨어 백날 팔아봤자 sw를 못 따라간.. 2012. 2. 3.
유틸들 유틸들 기본: Chrome https://www.google.com/chrome Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/ Picpick http://www.picpick.org/download 반디집 http://apps.bandisoft.com/bandizip/beta/ VirtualWin http://virtuawin.sourceforge.net/downloads.php FoxIt http://www.foxitsoftware.com/downloads/ http://www.fastpictureviewer.com/downloads/ 개발: Xshell http://www.netsarang.co.kr/download/down_xsh.html Xming http://sourceforge.n.. 2012. 1. 30.