반응형 Tips20 Visual SVN, Tortoise SVN Branch S1. Branch로 작업 저장하기- 작업하다 실수한듯 하다. 그런데 다 날려 버리기엔 아깝다. Branch로 저장 후 원래 대로 돌아가보자. 1] Branch(Backup)Memu - Visual SVN - Branch - To path : /branch/[name] ex) /branches/b1Log Message : Write Log HereWorking copy : Save Current Job as branch.Don't check Switch working copy to new branch/tag- OK- Commited(Backup) Automatically. 2] RestoreMemu - Visual SVN - Revert Changes 2012. 10. 31. DAV request failed log, pre-revprop-change TortoiseSVN Visual SVNhttp://www.visualsvn.com/support/svnbook/ref/reposhooks/pre-revprop-change/ set Action=%5set PropName=%4echo Pre-revision property change hook %* >> log.txtif "%PropName%"=="svn:log" (exit 0) else exit 1 2012. 10. 29. visual studio 출력창 종료 With the new visual studio 2010 you might see this behavior even when you use ctrl f5 aka "start without debugging". This is most likely because you created an "empty project" instead of a "Win32 console application". If you create the project as a "Win32 console application" you can disregard this as it does not apply.In the older versions it would default to the console subsystem even if you s.. 2012. 7. 6. 블리자드 디지털 설치파일 디아블로 설치파일http://kr.media.battle.net.edgesuite.net/downloads/d3-installers/0d0f9268-6e92-4aa1-8556-8724e79f4833/Diablo-III-Setup-koKR.exe 워3https://kr.battle.net/account/management/digital-download.xml?product=WAR3&lang=ko-KR&platform=win 워3 확장https://kr.battle.net/account/management/digital-download.xml?product=W3XP&lang=ko-KR&platform=win 스타https://kr.battle.net/account/management/digital-downl.. 2012. 6. 16. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음